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arc welder中文是什么意思

用"arc welder"造句"arc welder"怎么读"arc welder" in a sentence


  • 电焊机
  • 电弧焊机
  • 弧焊机


  • The application of kyd - 250 550 type arc welder in coal mine
  • Nbc series mag co2 arc welder
  • Study on thyristor ac arc welder controlled by single - chip microcomputer
  • Improvement of phase modulation trigger circuit of type zx5 - 400 scr rectifying arc welder
  • Present situation and development trend of arc welder that can generate electricity by itself home and abroad
  • Besides all these , an automatic wire - feeding circuit and its control system are designed for the welding machine is semi - automatic arc welder
  • The sources of these internal transients are everyday items , such as air compressors , arc welders , pumps , elevators , switching power supplies and other inductive loads
  • Mjc : the sources of these internal transients are everyday items , such as air compressors , arc welders , pumps , elevators , switching power supplies and other inductive loads
  • Abstract : the author discusses how to suppress electro - magneticinterference from electric - network and converting arc welder itself in electromagetic compatible technical , and then guaranteed the normal operating of equipment
  • Abstract : in this paper , the reason arisen from the noise of the bx1 ac arc welder is analysed . for the main factor , moving core viberating , the measure to reduce the noise is advanced from three hands , inside and outside slide . the other measure is also advanced for the second factor
    文摘:对bx1系列交流弧焊机噪声产生的原因进行了分析,针对产生噪声的主要原因? ?动铁芯的振动,从三个方面、内外滑道分别提出了具体的降低措施,并对次要原因也提出了具体降低措施。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"arc welder"造句  
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